Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Allison Woolbert and TERF Tracker

By Sherrie D. Larch

Allison Woolbert
Founder of
the Transgender Violence Tracking Portal
Allison Woolbert is the founder of the Transgender Violence Tracking Portal, which monitors transphobic hate and violence against the transgender community. Allison Woolbert states: “I am a concerned member of the community. I wanted to find a way to make sure that the violence against transgender/genderqueer/non-binary people is accurately documented and not swept under the carpet…So often, the media and law enforcement are dismissive concerning the violence that is inflicted on transgender/genderqueer/non-binary people. In addition, hate incidents against transgender people are often not documented at all. Many of the cases that are reported are sensationalized, and the facts become muddled and disconnected”

Allison Woolbert on the Need for Tracking of Anti-Transgender Violence by  A.J. Walkley (2013) Allison Woolbert’s Transgender Violence Tracking Portal goals are to make the world a safer place for transgender, genderqueer, and non-binary people and to give closure to the victims and their families of transphobic hate crimes.  

TERF Tracker is Allison Woolbert’s new project to confront Cathy Brennan’s Gender identity Watch and its members ("Brennanites") also called  the Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists (also known as TERFs for short) by monitoring and exposing them to protect the transgender community and their supporters. “The Transgender Community has a need to protect ourselves from those that seek to directly cause harm to us, our families and our friends. The need arises given a group known as the Trans* Exclusionary Radical Feminists (TERFs) are doxing our lives, posting information on us constantly, attempting to intimidate us, dead-naming us, misgendering us, and harassing us at every turn”

Gender identity Watch has been listed as a hate group by the Transgender Violence Tracking Portal because of its hatred and vile actions towards transgender people and their supporters. There is also a movement by Secular Woman, an intersectional feminist group, to get it listed as a hate group with the Southern Poverty Law Center. Petition can be seen and signed at:  Gender identity Watch and the Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists demonize, humiliate, harass, and promote violence against transgender people  on the online world and in the physical world. The goal of Allison Woolbert and the members of TERF Tracker is to expose Gender identity Watch and the Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists and expose their transphobic propaganda which spreads their message of hate and the promotion of violence and stop their constant outing and harassment of individual transgender people online and in the real world.