Friday, August 15, 2014

A Fake OtherKin Facebook Page By Sherrie D. Larch

Gender Identity Watch and the Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists are now impersonating other groups and communities to achieve their transphobic and homophobic agendas. They have recently created a page on Facebook named “Otherkin Rising”  impersonating otherkin members. “Otherkin are individuals who identify, in some intrinsic way, as not being human. The most common beliefs are that one's soul/energy/spirit or one's psychology/mentality/brain chemistry (or a combination) are not human, while a very few believe that they are in some way physically not human (though this is the subject of much debate)” This Facebook page does not follow the values and beliefs of the otherkin community and is not part of any of their various groups. This Facebook page is a completely fake otherkin page and should be considered a hate page against both the otherkin community and the LGBTQI community as a whole.

Gender Identity Watch and the Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists created the Facebook page “Otherkin Rising” to create a conflict between the otherkin  and the LGBTQI communities, targeting transgender people and their rights in particular. This Facebook page is not only trying to cause conflict between otherkin members and transgender people but is also mocking both communities with outlandish posts that have nothing to do with otherkin’s values and beliefs or the beliefs and values of the transgender community. It has posted threads mocking animals and the beliefs of the otherkin and posted threads mocking gender identity and gender expression to harass and humiliate transgender people. Gender Identity Watch and the Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists have a history of trying to get conflicts going between groups in the LGBTQI community, including causing chaos between gays and lesbians and transgender people, by creating fake homosexual pages including the Facebook page “We are Homosexuals Not Homogenderuals” Creating this fake otherkin Facebook page is a tactic to cause conflict between the otherkin and transgender communities and to cause more hate for both groups. This plan is to meet the Gender Identity Watch and the Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists agenda of transphobic hate towards transgender people and their group also have no respect for the LGBTQI
community as a whole, wanting it to split into fighting fractions. This hate group also does not understand the otherkin community and their belief system and values. Gender Identity Watch and the Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists are a hate group and should be exposed for what they are.      


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