Monday, September 22, 2014

How Can You Be a TERF and Also be a MRA? It’s so Easy Even a Misogynist Can Do It

Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist (TERF) and follower of Cathy Brennan’s Gender Identity Watch, Justin Allen Norwood, has a strange affection for Men’s Rights Activists. But this is very common for Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists. It may seem that up is down and everything is backwards and Hell may have frozen over but it really isn’t that unusual. It may seem odd to a feminists or anyone that breaths oxygen that a Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist can also be a Men’s Rights Activists, but you have to understand that Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism has many of the same beliefs that Men’s Rights Activists and even the religious right have. One of their common themes is cisgender women are too weak physically and intellectually to ever compete with men in the world.  

Recently there have been a lot of comments from various Men’s Rights Activists on Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist’s Facebook pages, including Justin Allen Norwood’s Facebook page “We are Homosexuals Not Homogenderuals”. These Men’s Rights Activists seem to have free reign to discuss just about anything and their viewpoints are respected, unlike if you are a cisgender woman you will be banned for your viewpoints and called a troublemaker, unless you agree with them on everything.  Josh Carter, a Men’s Rights Activist seems to have a VIP seat on many of the Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist’s Facebook pages.As you can see he is a very active member of the
Men’s Rights Activists.

Josh Carter, both a Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist and a Men’s Rights Activist, seems to be right at home on Justin Allen Norwood’s Facebook page “We are Homosexuals Not Homogenderuals”. Josh Carter is a frequent and welcome visitor to Justin Allen Norwood’s page and they are even Facebook best friends. Politics does make some very strange bedfellows.   


1 comment:

  1. Could you please remove all articles that have my name on them? I do not want to be associated with Allison Woolbert the child rapist. I wrote various articles for Woolbert, please remove them. Thank You!
